Kode ICD Dispnoe Dyspnoe Sesak Nafas
Dyspnoe kondisi yang bersifat subjektif berupa kesulitan / sesak / tidak enak / tidak nyaman saat bernafas. Dyspnoe merupakan kode gejala penyakit pernafasan yang masuk dalam kelompok Symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems (R00-R09).
Kode ICD Dispnoe Dyspnoe Sesak Nafas R06.0
Referensi Kode ICD R06 :
Exclude: respiratory:
arrest (R09.2)
syndrome of adult (J80)
in newborn (P22.-)
failure (J96.-)
failure of newborn (P28.5)
R06.0 Dyspnoea Orthopnoea Shortness of breath
Exclude : transient tachypnoea of newborn (P22.1)
R06.1 Stridor
Exclude : congenital laryngeal stridor (P28.8) laryngismus (stridulus) (J38.5)
R06.2 Wheezing
R06.3 Periodic breathing Cheyne-Stokes breathing
R06.4 Hyperventilation
Exclude : psychogenic hyperventilation (F45.3)
R06.5 Mouth breathing Snoring
Exclude : dry mouth NOS (R68.2)
R06.6 Hiccough
Exclude : psychogenic hiccough (F45.3)
R06.7 Sneezing
R06.8 Other and unspecified abnormalities of breathing Apnoea NOSBreath-holding (spells)Choking sensation Sighing
Exclude: apnoea (of) :
newborn (P28.4)
sleep (G47.3)
sleep : newborn (primary) (P28.3)
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